Thursday, May 12, 2011

Talking with my Dream Character

~ Originally written: Tuesday, 3rd May 2011 ~

The Active Imagination process was developed by Carl Jung.  In dreams often there may be conflict and there in waking life we try to access that energy and part of us that we have neglected.
Active Imagination involves engaging in conversation with a character in your dream in order to better understand the symbolism and/or representation of the character in our waking life.
Below is the Active Imagination exercise I engaged in with a character from a recent dream I had last week.  The character was a lady who stood silently to one side through my dream.  I was aware she was there, could see her and feel her, but not once did she speak, make a sound nor try to make her presence known.

Me:  Why are you so silent?
Lady:  (continues to be silent, and simply smiles at me)
Me:  Please talk to me.  I want to know you, to understand you.
Lady:  How can you not recognise me?  How easily you have forgotten.
Me:  (realisation dawns) Wow!  You’re me, aren’t you?
Lady:  Of course I am.
Me:  Why didnt you tell me?
Lady:  How can I tell you who I am when you have chosen to forget me?
Me:  But I haven’t forgotten you!  I’m here arent’ I?
Lady:  Only half of you is here.  I am the other half.
Me:  So that’s why I sometimes feel split in two!
Lady:  (smiles and nods)
Me:  Why did you not speak to me in my dream?  You were completely silent.  I barely knew you were there.
Lady:  Because you need to be more aware of what you are doing to yourself.  To us.
Me:  I know I’m having problems fully accepting myself.  Is that what you mean?
Lady:  Yes, but there’s so much more to it.
Me:  Please tell me.  I want to know.  What can I do?
Lady:  Step into your power fully.  Don’t be afraid of me.  You are so afraid of yourself.  You use every excuse under the sun why you shouldn’t.  You know that is all that stops from being truly happy.  Stop ignoring yourself!  You’re hurting yourself so much more than you can possibly imagine.  Killing yourself slowly even.
Me:  (I can feel the truth of her words and the tears are quick to well up in my eyes)
Lady:  I know it hurts to hear this.  But you can be so much more.  Help so many.  But first, help yourself.  Release your fear and allow me to be a part of you again.  I miss you, and I know you miss me too.  There are moments when you feel me there.  They are the moments of your greatest happiness.  Even now, while you write this, while you conversate with me, you feel my presence.
Me:  Yes, all that you say is so very true.  I’m trying to get rid of my fear.  I want to get rid of it.  I try, but get stuck every time.
Lady:  Would you like my advice?
Me:  Of course!  Only you can give me unbiased advise.
Lady:  Don’t try to get rid of your fear.  By pushing it away it will only make it more intense.  Instead work with it.  Talk to it like you are talking to me now.  Work with your fear rather than against it.  Let yourself feel the fear, thank it for being there, and then tell it that it has served its purpose.  It is the only way you will be abel to let it go.
Me:  You make it sound so easy (smile).
Lady:  But it is.  You are afraid of your fear, which is making it doubley intense.  Love the fear instead.  Love will desipate it.
Me:   I will try, I promise.
 Lady:Don’t ‘try’.  Simply ‘do’.  Don’t think about it.  Just do it.  Just jump off the boat! 
Me:  I’m determined – I will do it!
Lady:  Yes, you will!  That moment is so much closer than you think!  And when you are ready, come find me and we will then become one again.  As it should be.  As it was before.  As it will be again.
Me:  Thank you so much for talking to me.
Lady:  Thank you for finally listening.  I was starting to disappear.  Thanks to you for becoming aware of me again.  I can now come back to you.
Me:  I hope we can talk again soon.
Lady:  I am you.  I am always there for you to talk to.
 Me:  Thank you.
Lady:  Thank you for finding me!

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