Monday, May 16, 2011

Spiritual Emergence Experiences

Tuesday, 31st May 2011
I had the strangest night last night.  I'm actually stuck for words to describe it.  I guess it started with me having problems going to sleep.  There has been a lot going through my mind lately, so it didn't surprise me.  It always happens when my mind is working overtime.

At 11.30pm I decided it was time to at least attempt to sleep, so I turned off the night lamp, closed my eyes, and internally dialogued with myself, trying to convince myself that it was time to sleep now.

I did end up falling asleep, but woke up at 12:12pm.  I starred at the clock, frustrated.  Was this going to be one of those nights where I woke up every hour?  I closed my eyes and thankfully fell asleep straight away.  It was at this point the strange experiences began.

I'm not sure whether I was dreaming or somewhere between an awake and sleeping state.  I distinctly remember waking up regularly on an hourly basis to begin, and then every 2 hours.  It could've been astral projection, but it didn't feel as though my physical body was in the bed.  It was like the whole of me had been transported to another place - both physical and light bodies.

It's difficult to describe where I saw myself being at.  It was a sense, a feeling rather than a visual.  I was in a peaceful, serene place.  There was nothing around me, but it wasn't nothingness I sensed, nor was it darkness.  It just was.  It definitely wasn't Earthly.  In fact it didn't feel like it was another planet either.  It was as if I was in a place that was completely beyond time and space, beyond anything our human minds could possibly comprehend.  And there was a profound stillness around and within me.  It felt simply, yet powerful beyond imagination.

As soon as my eyes would close, I would be in this place of peace.  The 'waking' periods were jolted by my feeling like I was choking.  Not choking on an object, but choking on my own breath.  It was as if the air, or whatever I was breathing in this space, was causing my lungs to constrict.  I would gasp for air, open my eyes, and then gently close my eyes again and I would be back in that space.  After a few times, it was as though my lungs, my physical body, adapted to this substance I was breathing.  The last thing I remember prior to waking up this morning, was me floating in this space, suspended in time and place, feeling completely at peace and at one with everything.

I woke up thinking - WOW!  What on earth was that?  I know now that, without a doubt, I had been taken to a very special place.  I believe this place to be the Space of Origination.  It is the space from which everything was created and everything will one day revert back to.  I'd always wondered where everything had started from.  It seems that my Guides decided it was time for me to find out.  Although, it wasn't my Guides that took me to this space.  It was the Order of the New Dawning. 

It is the Order of the New Dawning that is heading the Ascension of humanity.  It is this Order that still resides in the Space of Origination.  They are the purest of the Light Beings.  And I thank them for giving me the honour of seeing and experiencing what I did last night.

Although this is a lot of information to take in for a mere human, I am not confused.  Many might say I've lost my mind, and understandably so.  However I know I'm sane, and I know without a doubt what I experienced.  Where did the terminology come from?  Who knows!  All I know, is that I trust my experiences and I trust the information that I'm being given. 

Without trust and faith, we will never be able to shift into a better, more peaceful and more loving existence.  I'm definitely ready...are you?


Saturday, 21st May 2011 

@ 5.54pm
As I was standing on my balcony, I noticed there was a slight breeze.  The clouds however, are not moving.  They are completely still.  Changing shape and formation, but not actually moving.

@ 5.33pm
Today has been a day of smells it seems.  Earlier, whilst I was in the car with the kids, I distinctly picked up the aroma of something sweet and flowery.  I could not put my finger on the type of flower the scent resonated with and still cannot, but it was very familiar.  That was just after 2pm.

Approximately 5 minutes ago, I again could smell something sweet.  Not flowery this time, but definitely sweet.  Sweet and sugary.  I keep getting a vision of something white.  Some type of icing maybe?  I'm not sure.  It's white and square.  Made of sugar, castor sugar.  The scent is very strong and sweet.  Again it seems so familiar.

@ 1.07am
Standing outside on the balcony I have a profound feeling of something about to happen.  The words "don't do it" keep coming to me.  Something...there's something brewing.

@ 12.58am
The feeling has eased now.  My head feels "normal" again.

@ 12.51am
I feel strange right now.  Unsettled.  Like I'm waiting for something.  I feel calm.  Present.  I don't know.  I just feel...other-worldly.

My head feels so light that it's heavy.  It feels like my head is being held by two massive hands and is being pulled upwards.  Not so that my head can disengage from my body, but so that the channelled energy running from the top of my head at my crown and down my centre can be cleansed.  It's like the pressure will be released by doing this and the debris of past and present negative energies.


Tuesday, 17th May 2011 @ 7:27am
At approximately 2:22am this morning, as I was lying in bed almost asleep, I felt a slight pressure on the left side of my head, around my temple.  It felt as though someone was pressing on my temple, gently but with pressure.  At first I was a little afraid, but then realised that it must be yet another energy download of some sort.  So I relaxed into it.  The pressure increased only slightly, and then moved up into my head.  At this point, I could feel a presence in the room, just like I had the other night.  As before, it made me smile.  The presence felt familiar and comforting.  

The pressure disappeared after a few moments.  I fell asleep almost immediately and had the most restful sleep I have had in days.

Sunday, 15th May 2011 @ 12.40am
I was in the bathroom when I heard, very clearly, music.  It didn't sound like any kind of music I've heard before.  But it was very distinctive and very clear.  At first, I told myself that it must be coming from one of the apartments.  So I promptly went into my bedroom, expecting to hear music coming from the apartment next door.  Nothing.  From the inside, the apartments are quite soundproof, so I wasn't surprised that I couldn't hear anything.  I knew I had heard music, and that was over the sound of the fan in the bathroom.  So I opened the front door and stood outside listening.  Nothing.  Totally still and completely silent.


Saturday, 14th May 2011 @ 9.28pm
I am sitting here at my keyboard, wondering what the hell just happened!  Approximately 10 minutes ago, as I was sitting here at my computer typing my assignment for school, I was overcome by an overpowering feeling of heaviness.  It was so intense, that I actually stopped typing and just sat here for a moment.  My eyes were heavy, as though I was really tired.  I had an overwhelming urge to lie down and rest.  So I did.

With great difficult and feeling very heavy, I walked over to the couch and lay down.  Once I closed my eyes, I became acutely aware of my body.  My heart rate was elevated, and my breathing was coming in short, measured bursts.  I wasn't struggling to breath.  It's difficult to explain.  It was as if breathing was a foreign concept.  It was a struggle to work out how to breath.  Even so, I wasn't afraid at all.  There was no fear in me that there was something wrong with me, or that I would stop breathing or die.  It just was, and I went along with it.

I lay very still and in the stillness I became aware of the buzzing in my ears.  The buzzing itself wasn't strange, for I have that all the time now.  It's been like this for well over a year.  What I realised however, was that the sound now spanned my whole head, not just my ears.  It wasn't uncomfortable, in fact the sound was extremely comforting and familiar.  So I allowed myself to sink into the familiarity of it, rather than concentrate on the alien feel of my breath.

I lay like this for around five minutes.  It was then I began to have strange sensations of being touched.  As much as I wanted to open my eyes, I didn't.  I kept them closed and just allowed myself to feel.  My breath was now very shallow but comfortable.  I could distinctly feel a sense of touch on my legs.  Almost like someone was poking me but not in an intrusive way.  The sensation was soft and gentle.  Right at that moment, I saw the flash of light.  My eyes were still closed, but I distinctly saw the light moving over my face.  Like someone was shining a torch on my face.  I desperately wanted to open my eyes, for now I could definitely feel a presence.  But something eased me gently back into a relaxed state and I knew I was safe.  The light continued for another minute of so, and I actually found myself smiling.  It was as though I were greeting someone familiar to me.

Once the light disappeared, I slowly opened my eyes.  Of course, there was no-one in the room with me.  I smiled again to myself at the memory of the experience.  There had been someone there.  At this point I was feeling very present, yet not in a physical sense.  The room was familiar, but foreign.  This is a feeling that I've had a few times now over the last week of so.

I closed my eyes again and let myself fall back into that heavy but relaxed state.  The presence was well and truly gone. Now the tingling of energy began to roll through my body.  I could feel the tingling beginning at my crown and quickly flowing down my torso and into my arms and legs.  Once it hit my legs,  I could feel the muscles contracting involuntarily.  I allowed my body to react at it's own will.  This continued for a few minutes.

A lay there on the couch for around 10 minutes in total.  The experience left me speechless.  Short but so incredibly powerful.  Another aspect of spiritual emergence?  What else could it be.

I must say, I am beginning to really enjoy these experiences.  Now that the fear has subsided and the knowing of something bigger and more beautiful has settled in my mind, it has become something that I look forward to experiencing.  If these experiences are indications of this new energy, then I can tell you now, it is absolutely phenomenal!

Wednesday, 11th May 2011 @ 11.44pm
Since the course started, the strange aspects of my life seem to have accelerated.  Not that I'm complaining. I'm very well aware that it's all connected to the spiritual shift and I welcome it with open arms.

Around 11pm tonight I was at the stove preparing to make myself a cup of mugwort tea.  The room was very quiet and peaceful, and I was feeling very much at peace.  The buzzing in my ears was very prominent in the stillness.  It felt comfortable, welcoming almost.

I continued listening to the voices until they subsided.  Gradually, all I could hear was the buzzing, and then even that diminished and faded to the usually low level frequency.

This was the first time I'd heard voices within the buzzing.  I have heard voices before, usually calling my name, and usually coming from outside of me.  This however was completely different.  These voices came from inside the buzzing in my ears.

Looking at it from a spiritual emergence point of would make sense that this would be yet another level of the experience.  Yet another addition to the already very strange occurrences in my life.

I am so thankful right now that I have people around me who understand what I'm going through and can put things into perspective.  I wonder what it's like for those who have no support, no-one to talk to about this.  I cannot begin to imagine what it would be like.  I know if I didn't have support, I would be seriously contemplating the possibility of some kind of mental breakdown or psychotic episode.  I hope that my experiences will one day serve to help others through this emergence.  Maybe that's why Jane suggested I document it all.  Whatever the reasoning, I am grateful for everything that is happening, for I know that it's not only for my good, but for the greater good of many others to follow.

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