Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Hero's Journey - My Fairytale

Originally written on: Thursday, 14th April 2011

Once upon a time there was a young girl.  This girl lived in a nice house with her husband and baby daughter.  Life was good for her and she had much love and support around her.  She was positive and happy.
One day, she began to feel that something wasn’t right.  She discussed it with her husband and family, but they reassured her that it was just her imagination, so she shrugged off the feeling and continued with life.
But the feeling continued to get stronger, and her health began to suffer.  Many doctors and tests later, no-one could find anything wrong with her.  Her family began to accuse her of making it up, which made her very sad.
Slowly, the feeling began to take her senses, one by one.  First her voice.  She would try to make sounds, but nothing would come out.  Then her hearing.  Sounds around became muffled and hollow, until she was unable to hear anything at all.  She could see people’s mouths moving, but there was no sound.
These changes scared her and made her feel very alone.  Those around her were completely oblivious to what was happening to her.  She felt as though she was in a different world, a different reality.  She watched them carry on with their lives like she didn’t exist.
Slowly, she began to withdraw.  They couldn’t hear or see her, so what was the point.  One night, she was sitting alone in the dark, wondering what it would be like when she lost her sight too.  As she thought this, the darkness around her began to thicken, until there was nothing but the dark.  It didn’t scare her.  In fact, it felt comfortable, peaceful.  She had been feeling as though she was in the dark for so long that this dark void that surrounded her now felt comfortable and familiar.  So she surrendered to the darkness, and allowed herself to be taken by the void.
She wasn’t sure how long she had been there before a shadow appeared.  A cloaked figure who’s face she couldn’t see.  It beckened her to come to him.
In that moment, she hesitated.  She could feel the nothingness around her now.  The endless darkness that surrounded her.  Did she want to stay here?  It was peaceful.  But so empty…like her heart…like her life.  Was she dead??  Was this the end??  Or was there something else?
The figure waited patiently.  She hesitated.  Surely this wasn’t all there was.  She could find a cure to her illness.  She was going to prove that this was not all there was.
In that instant, she saw a light, ever so small, in the distance.  This light gave her hope.  It brought warmth into the darkness.  In an instant she decided it was the light she wanted to be close to, not the darkness. 
And so the darkness lifted.

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