Sunday, July 1, 2012

Awareness is the Masterpiece of Mankind

It seems that the major shifts are coming less frequently now.  The minor ones however seem to be weaving their way through the psyche constantly.  It's been a while since the last time I'd had an "ah ha!" moment.  That moment when things come together like a jigsaw puzzle.  The moment when the frost is wiped from the window and you can see clearly.

Over the last few months, the journey has been one resembling something between a rollercoaster and a yo-yo.  Although at the time it doesn't feel like it, things are actually quite balanced.  Moments of highs, moments of lows, and then moments of a complete balance between the two.  From an observational standpoint, all is quite balance indeed.

Even though I've been feeling frustrated at times that I don't seem to be having those moments of intense revelation or experience, I have come to realise that I have in fact, learnt quite a lot in the last few months.

One of the things I have now realised is just how crucial awareness is in this moment of spiritual evolution.  When I say awareness, I mean self awareness, for it is self awareness that leads to a clear awareness of everything in our external world.  If you are not aware of yourself, your inner workings, how could you possibly be aware of the external in a clear manner?

From a personal perspective, I have experienced first hand the clarity of self awareness.  It's feels like the moment you breathe in a lungful of fresh, clean air.  That feeling of exhilaration, of lightness, and especially of sheer joy.  That moment when you realise that you are "aware", is like coming into daylight after being locked up in a dark, dingy room for a century.  The moment that awareness hits you, you suddenly see yourself in a whole different light.  The good, the bad, the ugly, it all stands in front of you for you to see.  The difference is, that you don't judge it.  You simply "see" it.  For what it is....a mere illusion, a construct of the mind and of the moulding of society over years and lifetimes.  Instead of being ashamed of the shadow qualities, you suddenly see them as golden opportunities to understand yourself better, and thereby be able to shift and transform the dark shadow side, into the golden shadow side.  Awareness is an opportunity to step into the authentic self, into the self that is pure, divine and all powerful in a liberating, compassionate, loving manner.

True awareness, bring with it freedom.  Freedom from the chains that have bound us so tightly, that we have been unable to breathe.  True awareness clears away the cobwebs, blows away the dust, and creates an inner space that is a clean canvas on which we can create a masterpiece....a masterpiece we can share with the world...a masterpiece that is the gem that we truly are.

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