Monday, June 6, 2011

Dreaming of a New World

This past week has been a very strange but interesting one for me.  Normally, my spiritual experience occur when I'm in a waking state or an altered state (ie: meditation).  This week I have been having experiences in my sleep state, although, I do wonder whether I am actually sleeping.  It feels more like an altered state or a type of astral projection.  I can distinctly feel my physical body, however I'm not in it.  Freaky?  It was at first, but over the last couple of months I've learnt to not be freaked out by my experiences.  Going with the flow is the best way to allow the transition to happen and the information to integrate.

To most people I probably sound like a raving lunatic.  If I wasn't 100% sure of the authenticity of my experiences, I may be worried too.  Do I have some sort of concrete, scientific proof that what I am experiencing is spiritual and not some type of mental or emotional disorder?  No.  My proof lies within me.  It lies in the depths of my being, and I know that everything I have and continue to experience, is valuable and is preparation for bigger things to come.  After all, if it was a disorder, then why are so many people worldwide experiencing similar things?

Having said this, this week I have had two phenomenal experiences, which spoke to me in unimaginable ways.  These experiences have changed me at very deep spiritual and psychological levels.

The first experience began on Monday night, around 11.30pm, and continued until approximately 4am Tuesday morning.

Tuesday, 31st May 2011

I had the strangest night last night.  I'm actually stuck for words to describe it.  I guess it started with me having problems going to sleep.  There has been a lot going through my mind lately, so it didn't surprise me.  It always happens when my mind is working overtime.

At 11.30pm I decided it was time to at least attempt to sleep, so I turned off the night lamp, closed my eyes, and internally dialogued with myself, trying to convince myself that it was time to sleep now.

I did end up falling asleep, but woke up at 12:12pm.  I starred at the clock, frustrated.  Was this going to be one of those nights where I woke up every hour?  I closed my eyes and thankfully fell asleep straight away.  It was at this point the strange experiences began.

I'm not sure whether I was dreaming or somewhere between an awake and sleeping state.  I distinctly remember waking up regularly on an hourly basis to begin, and then every 2 hours.  It could've been astral projection, but it didn't feel as though my physical body was in the bed.  It was like the whole of me had been transported to another place - both physical and light bodies.

It's difficult to describe where I saw myself being at.  It was a sense, a feeling rather than a visual.  I was in a peaceful, serene place.  There was nothing around me, but it wasn't nothingness I sensed, nor was it darkness.  It just was.  It definitely wasn't Earthly.  In fact it didn't feel like it was another planet either.  It was as if I was in a place that was completely beyond time and space, beyond anything our human minds could possibly comprehend.  And there was a profound stillness around and within me.  It felt simple, yet powerful beyond imagination.

As soon as my eyes would close, I would be in this place of peace.  The 'waking' periods were jolted by my feeling like I was choking.  Not choking on an object, but choking on my own breath.  It was as if the air, or whatever I was breathing in this space, was causing my lungs to constrict.  I would gasp for air, open my eyes, and then gently close my eyes again and I would be back in that space.  After a few times, it was as though my lungs, my physical body, adapted to this substance I was breathing.  The last thing I remember prior to waking up this morning, was me floating in this space, suspended in time and place, feeling completely at peace and at one with everything.

I woke up thinking - WOW!  What on earth was that?  I know now that, without a doubt, I had been taken to a very special place.  I believe this place to be the Space of Origination.  It is the space from which everything was created and everything will one day revert back to.  I'd always wondered where everything had started from.  It seems that my Guides decided it was time for me to find out.  Although, it wasn't my Guides that took me to this space.  It was the Order of the New Dawning.  

It is the Order of the New Dawning that is heading the Ascension of humanity.  It is this Order that still resides in the Space of Origination.  They are the purest of the Light Beings.  And I thank them for giving me the honour of seeing and experiencing what I did last night.

Although this is a lot of information to take in for a mere human, I am not confused.  Many might say I've lost my mind, and understandably so.  However I know I'm sane, and I know without a doubt what I experienced.  Where did the terminology come from?  Who knows!  All I know, is that I trust my experiences and I trust the information that I'm being given.  

Without trust and faith, we will never be able to shift into a better, more peaceful and more loving existence.  I'm definitely ready...are you?


The second experience occured early yesterday morning.  It began around 2am and continued on until 8am.  I was woken up by my daughter at 10.30am.  For some unknown reason, I closed my eyes, and I was back in that 'dream' again, watching, experiencing.  I opened my eyes, took a few deep breathes, then closed them again.  Once again, I was back in that same 'dream'.  Because of this experience, I am convinced that this was not a dream.  It does happen that you can close your eyes after a dream, and take yourself back to it again, but normally in that circumstance, you have control over what happens in the dream.  This was not the case here.  I closed my eyes, was back in that 'dream', but I simply allowed things to unfold.  I didn't try to control them.  I simply asked to be taken back there and I was.  What occured around me was not of my making.  It was like walking out of a room and then back in again.

Saturday, 4th June 2011
I am standing in a large room.  The room is pure white.  Crisp, clean, spacious and pure white.  It feels extremely peaceful in this room.  I am not afraid, nor do I feel as though I'm in an unfamiliar place.  The whiteness of the room seems to pulsate.  It's as though the room itself is alive with energy.  I know it's me standing in the room, however I don't look the way I know myself to look.  Again, this doesn't phase me nor does it scare me.

I sense that I'm needed somewhere, and suddenly I find myself at a circular landing where there is a lady and about three others.  Each person is wearing white.  The women a white, flowing dress, fitted but loose - like me.  The men a white shirt and pants.  In the centre of the chest, each of us has an oval shaped jewel/ornament with crystals in it.  Mine is clear quartz.  There is a lady there who seems to be a leader.  Her jewel has blue crystals - lapus lazuli.  The others have purple - amethyst.  These are the only three crystals I see - clear quartz, lapus lazuli and amethyst.

We are all perfect physically.  Smooth, young skin, perfect slim physique.  We are all completely peaceful and calm.  A male comes toward me.  He stands behind me and our bodies begin to glow a brilliant white.  It feels like we are one.  Like he is the male part and I am the female - yin and yang.

There is someone outside mowing the lawns.  The lady asks me why he's doing this at this hour (it's nightime). The man she is referring to is her male counterpart.  When she speaks to me, there is no movement of her mouth.  It's a telepathic speaking.  This is why the space we are in is so quiet and peaceful.  Because we do not speak out loud.  We speak telepathically.

The lady and I are then walking outside.  We stop in front of the man who is mowing the grass.  He seems to be naked, but he's not.  He isn't dressed in white like everyone else and he doesn't have the glow we all have.  He is not like us yet.  I tell the lady - "It's the shift.  It does strange things you know and while it's being integrated, it makes them do things that are not normal."  She nods.

At this point I look back to look at the 'house' we were in earlier.  It doesn't look like a house exactly.  It's more like a prism, a shape of pure, brilliant white light.  I can sense the pull toward it's serenity.  Being outside in the darkness makes me feel uncomfortable and out of place.  I want to be back home.  Just with that thought, I find myself back in space of pure white light.

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